Manuel Alvarez, double bass
Gerard Nieto, piano
Jean Pierre Derouard, batería

LINED WITH A GROOVE, A Tribute to Ray Brown

Of all the music I’ve listened to and been influenced by over the years, Ray Brown’s compositions, arrangements, solos or his approach to melody have been among the most important as a way to explore the complexity and possibilities of the double bass and also to understand the meaning of that music, loosely defined as Jazz, bequeathed to us by him and other musicians like him. 

Although I was never fortunate enough to meet Ray Brown in person, from what I’ve read and heard about him I understand that he was a person of exceptional gifts. Those who knew him describe a man of wisdom and insight, always ready to help and give advice to anyone who asked for it. He was not merely an accomplished musician, but deeply serious about his gift, about the musical legacy he had received and about his part in passing it on to others. When you listen to his music, this comes across very clearly. 

This encounter with Ray Brown’s music has been a tremendous privilege for me. I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to perform  some of his original compositions and arrangements  and recreate some of his solos and the melodies he used to play. Such a thing could only have been possible with two great musicians - and also great friends - who made this process easy, simple and natural. They are Jean Pierre Derouard and Gerard Nieto to whom I owe all my gratitude for their support, wisdom and tenacity.

Manuel Alvarez

London, November 2010